In order to obtain the energy efficiency certificate it is necessary to follow, the following steps:
- Request a quote; (we offer it for free and without any obligation). Do not doubt to contact with us to be informed about the different offers that we can have launched in each momment.
- Agree a price for the energy survey, energy efficiency certifícate and set the date for the property inspection
- Undertake an inspection of the property, (this is to be done by a professional technician or certifier) to gather data with which to produce the energy efficiency certificate. The inspection visit should last around 1 hour [Note: certificates should not be produced without a site visit and those offering a certificate without a site visit should not be trusted]
- Assess the data from the survey. The professional technician or certificator will proceed to calculate the energy efficiency of the property and he will express its energy rating by assigning it a category from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient) in an energy rating label. The energy rating label must state, amongst other data,, information about the annual energy consumption (kWh/year and kWh/m2) and annual CO2 emission (kgCO2/year y kgCO2/m2)
- Pay the agreed fees to the professional technician or certifier (the certificate will be provided to you either in person or by post)
- Submit the energy rating report to the relevant authority of the Autonomous Communities, making it available to agencies that need to consult it (we will do this on your behalf)