The energy efficiency certificate or energy certificate is an official document required by all existing properties that
are going to be sold or rented. It is compiled by a competent technician and includes objective information about the energy
characteristics of a building in normal conditions of occupancy and operation, including (but not exclusively) hot water production,
heating, illumination, refrigeration and ventilation
The energy certification process results in the issuing of an energy efficiency certifícate, which includes:
aCEE provides all the services you need to obtain an energy efficiency certificate, from the initial consultation through to the property visit and the generation and presentation of the final document to the relevant authority
The energy certification process results in the issuing of an energy efficiency certifícate, which includes:
- The physical and energy characteristics of the property
- The procedures and inspections chosen by the technician to generate the certificate
- The assignment of an energy efficiency rating label, based on a scale from A (most efficient building) to G (least efficient building)
- Measures, recommended by the technician, that would allow the owner to improve the energy efficiency of their property
aCEE provides all the services you need to obtain an energy efficiency certificate, from the initial consultation through to the property visit and the generation and presentation of the final document to the relevant authority